Young Adult ADHD ASD Assessments 18-25 Years Old
Young Adult ADHD ASD Assessments are now available. We have now launched our ASD and ADHD assessment pathway for young adults! We define young adults as individuals who are aged 18 to 25 years old. The assessment pathway for young adults is similar to the pathway for children, but with a few key differences.
Young Adult Assessments – Difference
The first difference is that young adults are of course welcome to contact us directly about having an assessment, rather than a parent doing this on their behalf. We understand that everyone is different and some young adults may prefer for a parent or someone else to contact us on their behalf. That’s fine too!
Who is involved in the Assessment?
The next difference is with regard to who is involved in the assessment. When assessing ASD and ADHD, it is important for us to think about early childhood. Sometimes traits of ASD and ADHD don’t become obvious until people are teenagers or even adults.
This could be because of ‘masking’ behaviours or other factors. However, often when we look back, there are some subtle differences in childhood development. Additionally, this is helpful for us to know about in our assessment.
For this reason, it is very helpful if an informant can be nominated to join us in the developmental interview appointment. Often this is a parent or a close relative who has known the individual all of their lives. We also suggest that we get the views of a second informant. In other words, someone who knows the individual well now (e.g. a colleague, friend or partner).
If you are not sure who would be most suitable to be your ‘informant(s)’, then our team will be happy to help you with this.
Remote Assessment for Young Adults
Another possible difference is that for adults, an ADHD assessment can be undertaken fully remotely. However, we do recommend that you come and meet us in our face-to-face clinic if you can. All ASD assessments do require a face-to-face component.
Young Adult ADHD ASD Assessments – Report
Finally, the report will be sent to the young adults (rather than parents). If they are aged above the age of 18 years old. We will not share the report with anyone else. However, we do recommend that the individual shares the report wherever they feel this would be helpful.
We accept self-funding and insurance-funded patients. Often young adults are still covered by their parents’ health insurance policies so this may be worth looking into!
If you would like to request an assessment please fill in our Contact Form . If you have any immediate questions, you may find them on our FAQ page. Please do connect with us on Facebook too.